Genesis 8

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Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Genesis 8 before reading the devotional below.

Today’s chapter opens with a powerful statement: “But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and livestock with him in the boat.” Five months has gone by, and I don’t know about you but I might have started wondering at some point if God had forgotten about me. Imagine having no contact with the outside world, being trapped in a boat you built yourself, and caring for animals of varying degrees of friendly. I can see myself wondering where this “plan” was going to lead.

Two and a half more months go by before even the tops of the mountains are visible. Noah celebrates his 601st birthday still looking for signs that this boat won’t be the end of him. Ultimately, over a year passes from the time Noah gets on the boat until the time he sets foot on dry land. Every cute song I ever learned as a child focused on 40 days of fun and rain!

Here’s your freedom for today:

God’s with you for the long haul.

God’s plans take time. He is deliberate and patient. Often that doesn’t line up with how we want the timeline to go. When God invites us into his plans, he gives us hard tasks. Our participation is not just cute or patronizing, it is sometimes essential to God’s will being carried out. He has entrusted us with important jobs, and he genuinely partners with us along the way. He doesn’t walk away after giving us an assignment. He’s with you, step-by-step. Lean in for the long haul, because God won’t fail you when you’re on his mission.