Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Revelation 11 before reading the devotional below.
War is chaotic and loud. Supernatural war is chaotic, loud, and bigger than anything we can imagine. Today’s chapter describes two prophet-figures to whom God gives incredible power. Like control-the-weather-and-send-plagues power. Some believe these are references to Moses (through whom God sent plagues to Egypt) and Elijah (who was able to cause a drought and then make it rain again as God commanded). Whether this chapter literally means that Moses and Elijah will be resurrected or whether we will see that type of prophetic power rise again at the end of time is unclear. And perhaps not important. If God wanted us to know he would have made it more obvious.
The seventh trumpet ushers in what the elders have long been waiting for: salvation. It’s interesting that they say God has “begun to reign,” implying that during these periods of terror he was not reigning. The symbolism here is also captured well in The Chronicles of Narnia series, in which Aslan (representing Jesus) overcomes the terrible reign of the White Witch. During her rule, it is “always winter but never Christmas.” That was the most horrific way C.S. Lewis could explain Satan’s terror to children.

The only ones who fear the return and judgment of Christ are the ones who do not fear him now. Those who worship him now are eagerly awaiting his coming. Why? Because God opposes evil. If you engage in evil as your way of life, then God’s judgment will rob you of everything you hold dear. If you seek refuge in God and have been harmed by evil, your day of deliverance will come. Not only that, but when we as Christians oppose evil now we are advancing the spiritual war to overcome Satan’s terror. We don’t have to wait for Jesus to return to work on his mission.