Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Revelation 17 before reading the devotional below.
Today’s chapter shows us some next-level demonic activity that may be vitriolic to some. The central figure is this “Great Prostitute” who rides on the back of a beast and dominates the kings of the world. She is a symbolic figure which stands in contrast to the woman in labor that we saw earlier. This pregnant woman representing God’s people is birthing the salvation of the world, and this demonic woman is seeking to dominate it.
Some find it challenging to process how women are portrayed or treated in the Bible. In part this is because we do not view the men in the Bible with as great scrutiny. All of the other figures in Revelation have been described as male (or non-gendered), and only these two women have been described here. We tend to pay more attention to the female roles, while in reality these two female figures present a very similar symbolism to the Lamb and the dragon. This good versus evil match-up reminds me of Romans 5:17, where we are told that sin entered the world through one man (Adam) and will leave the world through one man (Jesus).

Verse 14 shows us that the evil that dominates the world will only be conquered by the Lamb, who is called the “Lord of lords” and “King of kings.” All of the other kings of the world succumbed to the dragon and the Great Prostitute, but Jesus is able to overcome. Those who are with him will have a way out of the evil world. A lot of people want to be neutral about spirituality, but in reality they often want to avoid difficult questions that require faith. The book of Revelation makes it clear that we are all caught up in this war whether we like it or not. Where you stand determines where you will fall.