Take a moment to read the entire chapter of Revelation 18 before reading the devotional below.
Since the earliest of Bible times, people claiming to follow God get caught up in earthly things. Aaron led the Israelites in worship of a golden calf while they all doubted whether Moses would ever come back down from the mountain. God’s people demanded an earthly king and had a slew of bad ones that led them farther away from God. The Pharisees dismissed Jesus because he didn’t come with earthly political power. How are you going to accomplish anything if you don’t rise to power here on earth? I bet many of us would also wonder why Jesus didn’t try to become popular or overthrow the Romans oppressing the Jews in his day.
Today’s passage shows us the great demon called “Babylon” will be destroyed. She represented lust, power, fame, and wealth. Verse 14 should convict every single American Christian: “The fancy things you loved so much are gone.” We may claim to follow Jesus, but we need to honestly and humbly check our hearts. Where do we really think we will be satisfied and safe? A nice neighborhood? The right political party? The latest tech or the nicest clothes?

If you value the comforts of this earth, you will be in anguish when they are taken from you. A simple, quiet life is one of the most un-American ambitions. Even those of us who think we value simplicity are often fooling ourselves. We have been lulled into complacency but we are falling for the siren songs of wealth, fame, and power. Babylon looks inviting until she is destroyed in a single day. What are you afraid to lose in your life? How might you choose to live like Jesus, who had nothing on this earth that he wasn’t willing to give up?