Take a moment to read Revelation 19:11-21 before reading the devotional below.
Most Christians imagine Jesus riding into victory on a white horse in the final battle to defeat Satan. Today’s passage is where that image comes from. Notice the various names given to Jesus: Faithful and True, Word of God, King of kings, and Lord of lords. The wrath of God is expressed through his use of the sword to strike down nations. When Jesus’ killing spree is over, the angels call the vultures over to devour the dead bodies of the beast, the false prophet, and their entire army. It’s a bloody scene, and even Jesus’ robe was dipped in blood (likely his own).
Most people don’t imagine Jesus as one who avenges his enemies by a sword. In fact, he corrected Peter when he used a sword to slice off a guard’s ear during Jesus’ arrest. Is Jesus out for blood and revenge? Ultimately, yes. He’s not out for humans to die, here he is avenging humanity by slaughtering the beast, the false prophet, and their demonic army. Remember from Ephesians 6:12 that the battle is not against humans, but against the powers and authorities of darkness.
Before Jesus was born, many religious leaders were looking for the Messiah to come as a governmental king or ruler. They very much expected a sword in his hand and a bloodbath to conquer their earthly enemies at the time: the Romans. They could not believe that Jesus was their guy. He spent more time healing people and casting out demons than trying to overthrow kings. Why? Because Jesus knew that his real enemy was Satan. He didn’t waste time fighting earthly fights because the supernatural battle was too great to lose. He stayed focused on his mission and fought in ways that most didn’t fully understand. In your own life, be sure to fight the right fight. If you are battling against a person, you’re off track. Wage war against the demonic powers that surround us rather than the people who get caught up in Satan’s grip. And when you look for Jesus to come again, don’t replace his supernatural horse and sword for an earthly one or you won’t even recognize him.